Debra Shigley

Debra Shigley

Standing at 5’3’’, Debra is a mom of four, published author, and successful entrepreneur currently running @get_colour. Having spent years working in law and TV, Debra was struck by how hard it was to get her hair professionally styled as a woman of color with super curly hair. Finally, she decided to take matters into her own hands, and Colour was born. Made for women of color, Colour is an app that connects users with stylists for in-home hairstyling. Currently the services are available in Atlanta, but Debra hopes to launch a new range of services and expand to a second city in the coming year. When asked what advice she would give to aspiring entrepreneurs, she says, “be scrappy, and just start!” When she’s not growing her business, Debra is busy raising four (soon-to-be five!) kids. For other moms trying to do it all, she stresses the importance of creating a village of supporters to help with childcare and embracing your identity as a working mom. When life gets hectic, her advice is to be confident in the skills that you bring to the table not despite, but because you’re a mom.