Kayla Cozza
Kayla Cozza's blog focuses on finding quality pieces at bargain prices. Aside from running her own blog, Kayla is an elementary school teacher in inner city Brooklyn, a volunteer at her church and local nonprofit for children with Down Syndrome, and an exercise fanatic. Standing at 5’5’’, Kayla isn’t technically petite; however, she often finds herself shopping in the petite section to find clothing that actually fits (especially pants with a shorter rise and length!). We of course had to ask Kayla for tips on how to find great pieces on a budget. She had three main tricks: (1) Shop at end of season: February for winter, May for Spring, August for Summer, and November for Fall. (2) Look for similar alternatives on the retailer's site. For example, if you see a cold shoulder top you love, try doing a search for “cold shoulder” to see what else comes up. (3) Shop at your local resale shop: many are highly selective about their items and only purchase on-trend pieces. Aside from wearing stylish clothing, Kayla shares that “the best look you can ever have as a woman is confidence! Own who you are and your own personal style, be unapologetic, and you will shine!”. We couldn’t agree more.